Ceres Lenoir

Story Summoner | Design Witch | Siren
a person with too many projects at all times


she/her | mid-30s | queerI write fanfiction about Our Flag Means Death, make graphics for SMAUs and youtaite covers, and sing covers of mostly Jpop. My free time is mostly spent enjoying fandoms, cuddling my cat, watching documentaries, and sleeping. ☽


Graphics commissions are open!
Commissions: 0/5 slots full
Waitlist: 0/5 slots full
I am also open to bartering! If you offer art or audio/video mixing commissions and want to work out a trade, feel free to contact me.

Social Media Graphics & Logos

ServicePriceDelivery Time
Social Media Icon + Banner Set (one platform)$6Within 1 week
Social Media Icon + Banner Set (multiple platforms)$10Within 1 week
Logo (non-commercial)$10Within 1 week

SMAU Graphics

ServicePriceDelivery Time
Banner/Title Card$8Within 1 week of payment
Photo Edits/Manips (ex: adding tattoos, altering clothing or background, putting subjects from different photos into one)$8-10 each, depending upon complexityWithin 1 week of payment
Photo Edits/Manips - Retainer (have me do all edits/manips for your story)$15/mo+, depending upon complexity and average number of graphics needed per monthTBD based on project scope

Youtaite/Dubber Video Graphics

ServicePriceDelivery Time
Solo Cover or Group Photo (all members in one photo with no light ups)$8Within 1 week of payment
3-5 Person Cover$10Within 1 week of payment
6-8 Person Cover$13Within 1 week of payment
9+ Person Cover$16 base, add $0.75 per person over 9Within 1 week of payment


Delivery Method: Social media graphics and SMAU graphics will be sent as png files via email or google drive (your choice).Payment: Payment must be received up front unless your total is $20 or more, then you can send half up front and half upon completion.Edits: I will not charge extra for: edits based on any mistake I have made (misspelling, something cut off, etc.), one set of minor changes before I send you the final version. I will charge extra for: major edits outside of what you originally asked for.Credit: Please credit me as "Ceres Lenoir" with a link back to this site or simply tag my twitter @cereslenoir in your profile or post.Refusals: I reserve the right to refuse a project for any reason, but for SMAU graphics in particular I will not add nudity or make anyone thinner/more buff/have bigger boobs/etc. I also will not work with unauthorized paparazzi photos, only photos taken with the subject's consent.Please DO NOT: Do NOT tag actors, writers, or other crew in your post with my edits. This includes tagging them in or sending them your entire SMAU if my graphics are anywhere in it.


SMAU Graphics

Youtaite/Dubber Video Graphics


Icon + Banner Sets

  • Coming soon!

Contact Me

Interested in commissioning me? Please contact me via email, twitter DM, or discord DM with the following info. I will get back to you ASAP!

  • Your name and preferred pronouns, so I address you correctly!

  • Type of graphic you want to commission.

  • As much info about your project as possible. If you have a specific vision for what you want your graphic to look like, please tell me! If you'd rather I come up with something that's fine too, but keep in mind that if it's not what you wanted I can only make minor revisions without charging extra.

  • Any questions you have for me.